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Leech lines for Requin 1750

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Leech lines for Requin 1750 Empty Leech lines for Requin 1750

Message  keith harrison Mar 24 Fév 2015 - 21:59

Chers amis,
There are two ropes on each lateen sail, shown quite well on PL.13 of the monograph, which draw the sail close to the yard when reefing sail. However, the book says they are installed port AND starboard making four in all. Surely one each for upper and lower leeches would suffice? Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Ah! Desolee! I have just looked at the Requin of Olivier & Pierre Peters and I see that they have followed the PL13 exactly. The leech lines are on both sides of the sail. Good enough for me. I will do the same.


keith harrison

Messages : 21
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2014
Localisation : port coquitlam. B.C. canada

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